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Don't Make This Mistake

Can you be fat, sick & vegetarian?

Don't make this mistake.

Yes, I was.  But how is that possible? From the outside looking in, being a vegetarian is just eliminating meat and/or animal products from your diet.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  More than ten years ago, I was vegetarian for 3 years and 2 years before that, IRead More …

Juices | Smoothies | Meals

Off The Grid Health Recipes

Off The Grid Recipes Now

Check out the latest juice, smoothie, and meal recipes I have used on my journey.  Each of these recipes have one thing in common… taste!  Enjoy.

Can certain prescription meds prevent you from healing?


I saw more friends and family recently and had a chance to share my journey with them.  I met a friend who is on a prescription medication that actually prevents her from eating green leafy vegetables!  I was frustrated and stunned.  So I did some research. The medication is calledRead More …

What happens if you gain weight on the journey?

I gained a pound this week.  This is the first time I have had an increase in weight since publishing my journey online, but it is not the first time that this has occurred on my journey.  I see a lot of people get discouraged when this happens and it can happenRead More …