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Fruitarian diet proves to be dangerous.

Steve Jobs’ Fruitarian Diet Hospitalized Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher Hospitalized Preparing for Role as Steve Jobs_

Method actors seek to get to into character as much as possible to become believable as the character they portray.  Some actors spend months studying their character’s mannerisms, developing the character’s special skills, and even live out some of the character’s experiences.  Ashton Kutcher adopted the fruitarian (all fruit) diet of SteveRead More …

How much fluid should I drink on a reboot?

You should aim for 64-80 oz of juice per day while on the reboot.  Each mean green recipe makes about 24 oz. with a decent size cucumber. I typically had 4-5 mean greens per day, or 80-100 oz. of juice per day during my fast. Aim for drinking 1/2 yourRead More …

Juices to avoid while fasting

Be careful not to just juice just anything on your fast.  It’s fun to experiment, but if you are going into a detox or weight loss juicing program, you should know that all juices are not the same.  So here are some tips: Even in a pinch, avoid bottled pasteurized juices foundRead More …