Eat Like Your Life Depends On It.

Movie Review: Chow Down

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Chowdown Poster DChow Down is an inspiring and informative documentary film chronicling the health journey of three real people suffering with life-threatening degenerative diseases.  A proud father, a retiree, and a mother of two each open their homes and allow the cameras to roll as they attempt to adopt a plant-based diet that could save their lives.  This film features the expert clinical research, commentary, and the dietary recommendations of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell.

Chow Down is a far-reaching documentary that uncovers the controversial history of dietary recommendations from the U.S.D.A., reveals profound inconsistencies in recommendations of the American Heart Association, and exposes real problems with surgery and prescription drugs as a solution to the health crisis facing Western society.

The trailer and website for this documentary does not do this film justice. Viewers will appreciate how this film honestly addresses the challenges of making real-life dietary changes at home and will be moved by the fears and health choices people are making everyday.  The importance of family support becomes clear in the reported outcomes. If you or a member of your family needs to make a life saving change to their diet, then you should view this film with your family in order to avoid the pitfalls encountered by the characters in this engaging documentary.

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