Welcome To Off The Grid Health™


Off The Grid Health™ (OTGH) is about helping others choose a more healthful lifestyle, a lifestyle that is “unplugged” from the mass-produced, highly processed, fast food culture that has permeated our society and endangered our nation’s health.

This website exists due to the over-whelming number of requests for information on how I healthfully lost more than 100 pounds in a matter of months.  I achieved these results with improved diet and exercise.  No powders, pills, exotic serums, or gimmicks, just solid information, real food nutrition, and exercise.  Since the start of my journey, I have helped a number of people achieve their personal health goals.  These people have collectively lost hundreds of pounds and counting.

On this site you will find, motivation, recipes, exercise plans, reviews and my personal opinions on different issues.  This site contains information that is solely my opinion based on my personal experience.  Although I endeavor to support the material on this site with references, I am not a medical professional.  Please consult your doctor or health care practitioner before embarking on any diet or exercise plan.

It is my hope that this site will become a community of support for others who seek to regain their health through whole food nutrition and exercise.



4 Comments to Welcome To Off The Grid…

  1. Angie says:

    Congratulations! I’m interested in trying the recipes that worked for you. Thanks for sharing! Best, Angie

  2. AD says:

    You have been a big influences in helping me regain my health. Because of you and your recommendations I’ve been able to drop 40lbs in 60 days, from 214 to 173lbs. Going from a 38/40 waist to a 34/36 waist; from a 16 1/2 – 17 neck to a 15 1/2 to 16 neck. You Sir have been a big inspiration for me. I thank Almighty God for making sure that our paths cross, Thanks.

  3. A. T. says:

    Doable, provable and inspirational. A journey to be shared.

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