A feast for the eyes.

The A-Smack: Sweet Potato Carrot Kale Juice

A-Smack Juice


I know what you are thinking.  What?  You can juice a sweet potato?  The answer is yes… yes you can.  Packed with Vitamin A, we call this recipe ‘The A-Smack’.

Sweet potato, carrots, and kale gang up to bring 1562% DV of Vitamin A, 238% of Vitamin C, 34% DV of Calcium 34%, and 21% DV of Iron to this delicious juice.  The sweet potato brings a warmth and richness that will fill up in a pinch and serve as a nice post workout treat with clean carbs and almost 10 grams of protein.**


  • 1 medium   Raw organic sweet potato (200 g), washed and peeled, no eyes.
  • 2 large        Carrots (100 g)
  • 4 stalks       Celery (200 g)
  • 1                 Pink Lady Apple (133 g)
  • 4-6 leaves  Organic Kale (100 g)
  • 1/2″            Organic Ginger root (optional)


  • Clean and prep all produce.
  • Juice.
  • Enjoy.

Off The Grid Health Recommends:

  • Using organic or Clean 15 produce wherever possible.
  • Juicing only peeled, organic sweet potatoes on occasion (1-2x / week).
  • Wrapping each leave of kale around a celery stalk if you have a centrifugal juicer.
  •  Researching food drug interactions of beta-carotene form of Vitamin A.
  • **Holding the kale (for taste) and adding a scoop of your favorite plain or vanilla protein powder for the strength athletes concerned about hitting their macros. (Hint: If you don’t know or care about macros, don’t do this.)

Off The Grid Health Food Facts:

Beta-carotene is the dominant phyto-nutrient in this drink.  Beta-carotene is a provitamin that is converted to Vitamin A by the body.  According U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 5000 I.U. of Vitamin A is 100% of the daily value (DV) recommended for a 2000 calorie diet.  Although this juice contains 1542% of the DV amount of Vitamin A, the National Institutes of Health has found that unlike beta-carotene from synthetic supplements and animal sources that are preformed Vitamin A, plant-based provitamin sources are not associated with Vitamin A toxicity. So get your A-Smack today.

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